Hey Aavegotchi Fam! From time to time, we will host various Aavegotchi contests to engage the community. It will be fun and there will be prizes to be won! Here, you can take a look at our past contests and the submissions we have received from the winners!
Aavegotchi Mission 8 Meme Contest Winners
In Aavegotchi Mission 8, aagents are tasked to create the dankest meme featuring some aspect of Aavegotchi or GHST token on the Aavegotchi subreddit. Upvote your favs! The top 3 upvoted memes on October 9, 8PM SGT will receive 300, 200, and 100 GHST each, respectively.
1st place: Aavegotchi PAC MAN by Zemus

2nd place: By Your Powers Combined by Raster Eyes

3rd place: Cozy GHST by Moon

Halloween Costume Contest 2020
On Friday Oct 30 (4pm UTC / 12 Noon EST / 12 Midnight SGT), the ghosts literally came out to parade (pun intended :P). Aagents had some fun dressing up an Aavegotchi and each 'gotchi took turns to walkfloat down the catghost walk. The community voted their favs with upvotes.
1st place: IT by Esveebee

2nd place: Zombie by Flamee

3rd place: Trumpigotchi by PoW Miner

Aavegotchi Mission 9 Content Contest
Aavegotchi aagents smashed past the All-Time High of 1000! No longer are you aagents, but members of the fast-growing Gotchi Gang! For this week's mission, shill Aavegotchi further! Create a piece of content about Aavegotchi (either in written or video form). The top 3 pieces in each category (written and video) as chosen by the core team, will each earn themselves some sweet GHST bounties totaling 300/100/50 respectively, as well as an opportunity to create more content with us.
Video Category
1st place: How to Get Started with Aavegotchi by Esveebee
2nd place: Aavegotchi 2 Minute Guide by DogGodFrogLog
3rd place: Anon finds Aavegotchi by Moon
Written Category
1st place: Aavegotchi: Frenly Farming in the Fall by Appellants
2nd place: Get rich or die playing by Letsgobankless
3rd place: Aavegotchi on Kovan Testnet is Here! [Step-by-Step-guide] by Buzzlightyear
Halloween Costume Contest 2021
On 1 November 2021, we had our second annual ##GotchiGang Halloween Contest! 👹👻🎃
The competition was fierce, with nearly 100 unique costumes submitted!
The top 3 costumes won 100, 50, and 25 GHST, respectively.
1st place: LickWeenDator by Bezigner

2nd place: Jason Boorhees by Kimikuno

3rd place: Genie Gotchi by Ape | Dratini | Bear X

DeFi RPG Wearables Meme Contest
1st place: Thrax

2nd place: Cheet0x
3rd place: Occams_Schick